Looking for Excel Training ? Ethin-Fin offers best package for you to become Excel master.
Its time to save your time and gain control over your financial, accounting, auditing, presentations and day to day data calculations, sorting, and storing work, by one of the most intelligent software application Microsoft Excel.
- Discover methods to dramatically reduce the time you spend on spread sheets
- Develop practical solutions to your business problems through superior spread sheet design
- Upgrade your spreadsheet skills with advanced data management techniques
- Use macros more efficiently
- Consolidate worksheets from different sources into one workbook
- Develop efficient techniques for using charts
Take Aways
- Use spreadsheet skills for advanced financial applications
- Create, format and trouble shoot pivot tables
- Analyze data accurately using pivot tables and slicers
- Adopt logical methods to solve complex problems by
analyzing data accurately using pivot tables - Efficient working with related worksheets and workbooks by benefitting from new reporting and presentation techniques